Jilly has been involved with Scot Bloggers right from the beginning and is a tremendous help to us. For those of you who don't already know her she is the face behind our 'Jilly Interviews..' series. She has been blogging for a whole year now and we thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know her better.
For our readers who haven’t come across ‘My Name Is Jilly’ before can you tell us what your blog is about?
My blog is basically a mix-match of everything. I do beauty, fashion and lifestyle posts! I don't have a schedule and I just post when I feel like it, however I feel like that makes my blog more authentic and makes my posts more genuine!
As you have only been blogging since August 2013 what do you think about jumping into such a huge community of bloggers? Do you have any advice for new bloggers to join in?
It was extremely overwhelming! I feel like I'm still a small blogger in a world of blogs with a huge amount of followers, but I'm certainly finding my way! It used to bother me that I didn't have as many followers as other people, however I try to focus more on my content than my followers. That's probably what I would tell any new bloggers as it can really get you down if you let it affect you. I'd rather have 10 loyal readers than 10,000 who didn't read my blog regularly!
We always love your fashion posts and the ones that features photos of your puppy (or maybe not so now) Hugo but what are your favourites to write?
Thank you! Hugo is so big now, he's really not even a puppy anymore I guess! I love writing lifestyle posts, especially posts featuring Hugo, especially inspiration posts! One of my favourite posts to write was 'Why are you so sad?' as it let me get my feelings across and I felt so relieved after writing it. I received so much positive feedback from the blogging community that I felt overwhelmed!
What do you personally look for in a blog before you hit that follow button?
I like to read blogs which have personality! I like to get to know someone by reading their posts, that's when I'll follow them. If I can relate to a blogger and their personality shines through their posts, I'll automatically follow them!
We’ve been loving your ‘Jilly Interviews’ series on our blog. What do you think makes a good interview… or good answers for that matter?
I think that passion makes a good interview! All of my interviewees have given such amazing answers as they are obviously passionate about their blogs. I always think that makes them more appealing and interesting!
Finally what piece of advice would you give yourself if you were starting out again?
I think that if I was starting out again, I would say 'don't doubt yourself!'. I used to proof read my posts dozens of times before I would post them. It was partly down to my anxiety as I was worried that I would come across wrong, but also because I was extremely self doubtful. I would make sure that I was more confident in my ability to write. My blog helped to get me a conditional at Uni, so I guess I must be doing something right!
Find Jilly on...
Blog | Bloglovin' | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube
If you want to see more from Jilly why not check out her guest post or have a read of her 'Jilly Interviews...'
If you would be interested in being interviewed please tweet us on @scotbloggers or Jilly on @mynameisjilly
Did you catch Wednesdays post? It is a plea for more guest post from our lovely Scottish readers!
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