Hi there, that larger than life photo is me! I'm Joanna and I write over at www.the-orchard.me. The Orchard is a lifestyle blog that I fill with anything that comes into my mind. That generally consists of all things beauty (such as product reviews and make-up tutorials), art (such as my favourite artists or something beautiful I have come across), food (what can I say I love food) and generally what I've been getting up to in North Scotland. So if this seems like a place you'd like to hang out I'd love to have you join me! I'm also on twitter, instagram and pinterest (links are on my blog) and I do love a good chat. So get in touch!
Anyway, that's enough about me. I'm sure you're thinking "I though this was a Great Gatsby Make-Up tutorial". If you were thinking that you would not be mistaken, so let's start!
First off I used Benefits Porefessional primer followed by Revlon Nearly Naked foundation. This is a pretty natural look so I didn't want anything too heavy. But I still wanted it to stay on all day!
The same idea goes for the eyes. The look is really about the liner but I still wanted something to brighten my eye lid. So I used the Smashbox Heat Wave palette. Now, I don't know what they are called so I pointed to them below...
First off I used Benefits Porefessional primer followed by Revlon Nearly Naked foundation. This is a pretty natural look so I didn't want anything too heavy. But I still wanted it to stay on all day!
The same idea goes for the eyes. The look is really about the liner but I still wanted something to brighten my eye lid. So I used the Smashbox Heat Wave palette. Now, I don't know what they are called so I pointed to them below...
Next it was down to the liner. I used Benefits Magic Ink liner. I know this is quite expensive but the brush is so fine that it is perfect for getting just the right kind of line. All I can say when using liquid liner is have patience and practice.
For this look in particular I was going for quite a straight line with a long flick, but without too much of a curve. Like this...
Add a little lip colour and that's you! I used No7 Stay Perfect Lip Laquer. I kid you not, this stuff stays on forever!
I'll tell you a story about how well this stays on if you promise to keep it a secret?
Ok then. When I first got this it was graduation week. I was exhausted and had to go out for dinner with the boyfriends parents. I threw a bit of this on and headed out.
I had a full Sunday roast with all the trimmings, I had desert and I had a substantial amount of wine. And the stuff stayed put during it all!
But it doesn't end there... I got home and A and I decided to snuggle up in bed and watch a movie. I thought I'll take my make-up off after.
But... I fell asleep... (don't judge me, it was a long week!).
Anyway, the point of my story is that when I woke up the next morning... It was still there! I honestly could have walked out the door and nobody would have known! (I didn't do that, honest).
Anyway, I digress! Back to Gatsby!
Here is my finished look!
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