Name; Margaret-Anne
Age; 19
Location; Lanark (Near Glasgow)
What made you decide to begin blogging?
I started my blog because people we always commenting on what I was wearing or would ask how I did my hair or makeup , I would always joke about posting it online until one of my friends suggested I start a blog - It took a while for me to get a blog and a while to get into blogging but now that I have I love it.
Do you have any blogging inspirations?
I take blogging inspiration of everything and anything, whither its a picture on instagram or pintrest to a YouTube video or another blogger my favourite bloggers have to be Elle Fowler and Julia Graf. Their blogs are and
How do you fit blogging around your schedule?
It try to write blog posts on Thursdays because that is my day off college, however with the crazy amount of college work I get sometimes sleep wins. My new years resolution is to be more consistent with my blogging. If I get an idea and have some spare time to write a post, I'll do that too.
Are there any blog posts in particular that you would like to do in the future and why?
In the future I'd love to do a prom or wedding blog post with a huge photoshoot,I think that would be some much fun and there really would be no boundaries creatively with it. I absolutely love weddings but I think a prom post would be more colourful and it would be easier to find models cause I would just bribe my friends to do it.
How would you describe your blog?
My blog really is just a place for me to express my self - its an insight into what goes on in my head.
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
The thing I enjoy most about blogging is definitely the shopping for look books and also the hope that someone may find my posts helpful in anyway possible.
And finally, what advice do you have for new bloggers?
My advice to new bloggers would be to do whatever you want to do its your blog, its a way for you to express your self go for it and most importantly have fun with it.

Thank you so much to Margaret-Anne for participating in the interview! Make sure to check out her blog and follow her on twitter @lipgloss31 <3 Also! Thank you to Scot Bloggers for this wonderful opportunity, I really enjoyed getting to know some other Scottish Bloggers! You can find me on twitter; @mynameisjilly :)
If you have any further questions, why not leave a comment? Make sure you follow @scotbloggers on twitter and on for updates and new posts!
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