Scot Bloggers will reach 7 months old on the 7 of August - thats tomorrow in fact. Currently we have posted 48 guest posts from amazing Scottish bloggers but we need your help. You might have noticed that the number of posts we publish has been falling. As we completely reply on guest posts it is up to our readers to send us content.
Writing a guest post for another blog can help your own reach a new readership. This post would include an introductory paragraph so our readers can get to know you and any social media links you wish to include to help boost your following.
We will publish a post in any genre – as long as you think it would be a topic our readers would be interested in. Do you think your blog is unusual? We would love to hear from you.We are always keen to hear your ideas for our network so please give us a quick email with your thoughts.
On twitter we encourage you to mention us in your blog post tweets for a retweet and we hope you take up this opportunity. We would also love it if when you notice us tweeting about a new post if you could RT it for us. After all we want to boost everyones blogs in our community.
In the mean time you can read our posts from Creative Carbon Scotland, Spend It Like Beckham, Naromode, Scottish Stefs Nails, The Little Backpacker and Jennasuth from the past month.
So basically if you have an idea for a guest post for us please send us an email or if you have already guest posted for us we would love to feature another one from you.
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